RECAP: Virtual Alumni Panel

A huge thank you to all who were able to join ArchTank’s first ever Virtual Alumni Panel on April 25, 2020. It was a great event and we appreciate the participation of all the speakers and attendees. We hope our panel of alumni have been able to impart some insight about architecture, careers, and life in general. For those of you who were unable to attend, we have transcribed the majors points from our discussion. Read through to learn more about graduate schools, non-architectural industries, and job tips!

Summary of questions asked:

Q1: Alumni introductions (skip to page)

Q2: What did you find most useful about your undergraduate experience for your career path? (skip to page)

Q3: How did you decide whether to continue higher education or gain experience working? For those in graduate school or are about to go, what is your advice on the application process? How did you decide which school to go to? (skip to page)

Q4: To the alumni who did not continue in the architecture field, what was it like transitioning into a different industry like product design or real estate? (skip to page)

Q5: What advice do you have for applying for jobs? (skip to page)

Q6: Where do you see the industry going after COVID-19? (skip to page)

Student Qs: (skip to page)

What would you improve about the Penn undergrad program?

What are some skills you acquired from undergrad that has been helpful professionally, design-wise, life-wise? Were there any skills you wish you had cultivated?

To Charlotte: Do you think your interdisciplinary background put you at a disadvantage? Or was it an advantage?

If you have any additional questions for the alumni, please reach out to the ArchTank team at for the relevant contact information.

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